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SBF offers direct co-ownership in Swedish residential real estate.
SBF Fonder is an independent actor that has been offering direct ownership in Swedish rental properties since 2003. They manage two alternative investment funds (AIFs): SBF Bostad for individual investors and SBF Institution for institutional investors. These funds provide exposure to residential properties outside the major cities in Sweden. With approximately 4.2 billion SEK under management, SBF Fonder focuses on creating long-term sustainable values through property acquisitions, development, and locally anchored property management. Currently, they oversee around 3,400 apartments across 20 locations
Click on the links below to find more detailed info on the SBF funds.
SBF Bostad offers direct co-ownership in Swedish rental properties in attractive growth and commuter cities in Sweden. The fund currently owns a portfolio valued around approximately SEK 2 billion and invests in markets with dynamic labour markets, well-developed road and train networks, higher education, and forecasted increased need for rental housing.
Listed with daily liquidity and thus investable in ISK and in endowment insurance (Sw: Kapitalförsäkring)
For further information please contact David Krook, Head of Investor Relations by e-mail: david.krook [@] sbffonder.se
or by phone + 46 76 710 38 79
Following the success of SBF Institution I (now fully divested at a net IRR to investors of 10%), SBF Institution II was launched in 2016 and invests its capital in residential properties in attractive growth cities across Sweden. The fund currently has a portfolio of approximately SEK 1.3 billion with just over 1,100 apartments in nine cities.
The lettable area amounts to approximately 80,000 square meters. The fund's strategy is to invest in markets with dynamic labour markets, well-developed road and train networks, higher education, and forecasted increased need for rental housing. The relatively low investment cost at below SEK 17 000/sqm means that rents are modest which results in a very low vacancy in the fund with just 0.2% of available apartments currently vacant.
For further information please contact David Krook, Head of Investor Relations by e-mail: david.krook [@] sbffonder.se
or by phone + 46 76 710 38 79
Kungsgatan 17
111 43 Stockholm
Vxl: +46 8 667 10 50